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Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:35 am
by Daisy
Possum wrote:(While im here.. are you about the week after the supers?.. if im functioning and get my licence back heading to Tas for a few days)

I shouldn't imagine I'll be too far away - what with all these sudden expenses ... :lol:

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:02 pm
by Strika
Go you good your work as always miss D......... :)

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:10 pm
by large
Daisy wrote::D


Looks like it was a nice bike before it got fucked up.....

Color scheme..99 -01 model?

How many kms??

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:24 pm
by Daisy
Yep, 99 model the same as Reg's. 33k. I reckon it was near immaculate before - and everything from that little dent in the tank back still is. :D
Recently serviced and new tyres too.

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:35 pm
by Daisy
The front guard was torn off and every tab was broken. It almost went in the bin, but I thought I should at least have a go.




Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:38 pm
by Daisy
Well this rebuild just came to a sudden and spectacular halt. The frame is bent. We got the forks and everything in and the wheelbase is 20mm+ shorter than the other bike.
Now I need to reassess and decide whether to wreck it or get another frame. :(

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:12 pm
by Possum
Oh :cry: so much work.. hang out for another frame 8)

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:12 pm
by Daisy
We're discussing that at the moment. We could probably pick up the frame the forks came from, but I'd want to have a serious look at the VIN first. Then there's the psychological difficulty I'd have with my 1999 model suddenly becoming a 96. Trying to convince myself that its better than no bike at all. :(

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 8:35 pm
by Daisy
Its OK, the wedding's on again. They put the beer back.


We went shopping today. :D

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 7:34 pm
by Possum
Awesome :kuda:

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:28 pm
by large
'99 model frame??

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 8:04 pm
by Daisy
Even better - 12/2000. :D
As soon as I move a couple or 3 cars I'll have room to start the swap.

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:26 pm
by large
Just curious................and not knowing whats the go in Taswegia

When it's time for rego, how do you go for documentation? e.g, does the bike all of a sudden become a 2000 model? (with its 99 internals), meaning it's all based on the frame?

I suppose its like having a 2000 model and the engine craps out so you slam in a 99 engine.............

Any dramas with putting a crashed write off back on the road??


Nice work so far........good to see a mighty 1100 being given another chance at mile munching..........well done. :kuda: especially with the front gaurd repair, kwaka replacemant (be it already painted to suit the year of the bike) ...$400

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:01 am
by Daisy
Yes, the frame is, for all intents and purposes, the bike, so it will become the 2000. As neither of these were insured there is no drama with them being listed as written off. It would be a drama if they were because the grapevine tells me there's nobody in Tassie doing chassis inspections on bikes atm. Apart from that it would be the usual 3 inspection regime - with the attendant fees of course. When we did Reg's 11 the roadworthy was about 60 bucks, chassis check was $80 and the ID check at transport was $50. These days a roadie is between 80 and 100, the chassis check can be anything up to $300 - if you can find anyone to do it - and the ID check is $180. Then the normal rego fees on top of that. By the time you factor that in to the budget it isn't worth repairing WOVR vehicles any more.

Thankfully I only need a roadie for this one, then rock up to transport with the inspection slip and a purchase receipt. I did exactly that this morning for one of my cars. As soon as I sell it I can move the bike one spot up the queue.
I still have a receipt for the damaged frame too, so when its stripped down I'll see if it can be repaired* ... then I only need a stat writeoff from NSW to make another bike. ;)

* I already know it CAN be repaired, but the guy wants the bike complete and he reckons about a grand for him to measure, strip, straighten and reassemble. :shock: Though they tell me it would end up straighter than a factory one.

The price for a front guard in red is about $117US plus post, but if I get another one it'll be a full set of Chinese fairings for 5 or 6 hundred. What could possibly go wrong? :lol:

Re: Oh Hai

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:43 am
by Daisy
I haven't exactly been sitting on my hands while waiting for a frame. There was Plastex to play with. :twisted:

There was a bit missing off the end of this, so I made a template and cut the required section from an unrepairable part.

Same deal with the remains of the two top fairings. Nothing is too hard for a girl with determination and Plastex.
