Riding gear and Clothing Discussion
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Helmets..?? Whats Cool!!

Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:22 pm

My vote is for a Solid; Plain White (or Bright Colour);

- White most likely to be noticed in someone's peripheral vision*
- White reflects the most light; hence keeping your head cool
- Plain Colours are the Cheapest
- You can't see your helmet whilst wearing it

*I know people will say outlandish paint jobs are the most visible,
however my opinion is they only do a better job at keeping someone’s attention once it has already been noticed.

Still believe that when a rider is ducking in and out of traffic a solid coloured helmet is the most visible.

re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:47 pm

shoei xr-1000, wouldn't have got it cause it was 2 dear, but i got over a 20% discount :wink: really comfy, quieter than my old arai giga, & less wind buffeting too
2005_0124helmet0001.JPG (47.45 KiB) Viewed 9397 times

re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:08 am

Bit late i know, but i just came across this thread.
I have a Shark and i love it. I bought Sharon one too (her graphics are better). I'm the same as others, no need to spend huge dollars on a lid. I tried a shit load on, under $700 - $800 and didn't like the fit of most. I think the HJC blocked way to much vision for my liking, but the Shark fitted my head fine, has good vision and is reasonably quiet (But i have my visor up a lot anyway)
Personal taste and try em on, i say.

Re: re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:04 am

Pearl Black 636 wrote:Heres my current lid.... Bills I got it for $310.00 including the mirrored visor (which are lexan BTW), and helmet bag.

I was in Boston, MA (USA) last week and saw the Chrome KBC VR-1 on special for $175 USD ($230 AUD). I thought about buying it for my wife but didn't know her size (& she didn't answer the phone at 3am). I also saw heaps of others around for $200 USD ($260 AUD). IICON are popular and the fit was good. We pay too much for helmets here but I guess you need to wear one with the Aussie Safety standard sticker.

IICON Helment (Boston Kawasaki)
DSC04062.jpg (57.86 KiB) Viewed 9354 times

Re: re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:41 am

SilverFox wrote: We pay too much for helmets here but I guess you need to wear one with the Aussie Safety standard sticker..

U are so right, I couldn't agree more.
I wonder wat's the fine for not wearing one with the AS sticker?

Re: re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:03 pm

RG wrote:
SilverFox wrote: We pay too much for helmets here

I wonder wat's the fine for not wearing one with the AS sticker?

There is actually a perfectly explainable reason for why we pay more for helmets.

When a distributor brings a manufacturers helmets into the country, they may bring in, say, 1000 helmets. Out of that batch a percentage of those helmets need to be given to the testing people to ensure compliance with the Aus safety standards. This testing procedure is expensive. Last time I checked it's in the vacinity of 8 or $9,000!

And, every batch brought into the country needs to be tested. Some manufacturers make their helmets differently for eachmarket they supply to as not all markets have the same level of testing.

So, not only to they have to recoup the money spent on testing, but also the money spent on freight, advertising etc etc. If yhey have to recoup that money over batch of 1000, then obviosuly those helmets will cost more than someone importing say, 5,000 helmets into the US!

Ya with me? This is also why some of the fancier more expensive helmets are so expensive. They are probably only bringing a couple of hundred into the country.

RG, there is a fine. I don't know what it is in QLD. But, as has been explained elsewhere in this forum, it's not only the chance that you may get a fine, but also the insurance implications if you fall off and die or get brain damage.

Check my response here:
http://www.ksrc-au.com/phpBB2/viewtopic ... c&start=15

re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:14 pm

bought the nitro, comes with clear and tinted visor, plus helmet bags $320
nitro helmet.jpg
nitro helmet.jpg (118.63 KiB) Viewed 9322 times

re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:27 pm

How did you fit that bike in your helmet?

re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:25 pm

The fine in qld, RG and aardvark, I believe is around $270 AND 3 points...

They treat it exactly like you aren't wearing a helmet (and that goes if you remove the sticker, don't do up chin strap etc...)

Traffic cops being traffic cops...I wouldn't risk it.

re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:59 pm

he put it in the tumble drier and it shrank

re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:04 pm

From my experience i wouldn't go past the AGV X-Vent i have now. If i was updating i'd look at the New AGV first

re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:42 am

I have always liked the MOMO helmets :D
devil_yellow.jpg (11.81 KiB) Viewed 9256 times

re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:58 am

the yamaha joint (don't ask why i was there!) at toombul have a pile of shark helmets for $129.... they didn't fit my head right, but good price. they also had the various nitros..... those look pretty sweet. after reading these threads on helmets, welp, mine has no sticker and the visor is "welded" shut with heaps of scratches..... akra full sys or new lid.... hhhmmmm???? decisions decisions!!! (i know i know, it ain't really a decision at all, but you know, it does suck)

Re: re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:03 am

BLOFLY 636 wrote:I have always liked the MOMO helmets :D

The Yellow Power Ranger called, he wants his helmet back.

re: Helmets..?? Whats Hot.?

Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:05 pm

I just picked up a red and black Shoei TZ-1 Vermeulen for $469 from midtown yesterday to replace my busted TZ-R from my crash.


Theres 2 left if anyone is keen for an awesome shoei on special in the yellow and red paintscheme, one in large and one in small, I nabbed the last medium :)
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