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KDX-250 vs TS-200

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:39 pm
by hibster
I'm thinking of buying one of two old shitters I've seen advertised. The first is a '92 KDX-250 and the alternative is a Suzuki '88 TS-200. Does anyone have any knowledge on either bike that would help me decide on which is best to buy for steady trails riding ?? Or is it just a case of they're both old shitters so just go with the kwaka.

Re: KDX-250 vs TS-200

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:59 pm
by NinjaMoses
I'd go the kwaka just for the aftermarket availability mate. You can still get every part known to man kind for the KDXs as they have a huge following.

The TS on the other hand is an orphan. And this is coming from someone who owns a TS shitter :P

Re: KDX-250 vs TS-200

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:57 pm
by hibster
Thanks NInja Moses

I think I'll go the KDX

I didn't mean to offend...old shitter is a term of endearment for me.

Love the old stuff :kuda:

Re: KDX-250 vs TS-200

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:14 pm
by NinjaMoses
haha didn't offend at all mate, old shitters are the best fun you can have offroad I reckon.
Such a blast being able to ride something to (and beyond lol) its limits - not something the majority of the population could do on newer machinery

The stuff you are looking at are rolls royces in comparison. I''ve got the sickness bad - recently bought a 79 DT250 to go with the 81 TS185 8)

Rather amusing how quickly you can hustle old machinery if you throw caution to the wind. Helps if you are chasing a mate on a late model moto-x bike. :lol:

The poor old TS getting a hiding ;)