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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:43 pm
by kevindinho
Hey all!

I was fooling around on my bike today and practiced some counter steering. It felt very weird and not natural how u turn right and the bike goes left, so i was wondering if anyone here actually counter steers heaps? or has saved themselves in a bad situation and actually remembered to do it?

Also looking to do some practice if anyone is interested in practicing?


Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:52 pm
by ijuschill
Here is a video that explains it

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:58 pm
by Blurr
mate everyone countersteers in some form or way. Although it should be concious that your doing it you should have to think about the action.

If you want to learn how to lean then thats all in the countersteering ;)

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:59 pm
by Wattie
thats how i roll movuckerrr! :kuda:

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:00 pm
by ty
Anyone who rides corners, at anywhere near the posted limit, is going to be counter-steering whether they're aware of it or not.
Becoming aware of it and putting it to conscious use is part of becoming a good rider.

Don't think of it so much as counter-steering - think more about leaning into the turn. Get your inside elbow and shoulder down and forward. That actually causes you to counter-steer, but is good body positioning anyway.

All the links I had to counter-steering descriptions and reasoning aren't valid anymore unfortunately, otherwise I'd back this up with something more than just 'what I say' ;)

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:05 pm
by ijuschill
Here is another one

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:16 pm
by kevindinho
good vid thanks ijuschill

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:35 am
by robracer
I allways use it on the track & the road, countersteering is your best freind for entering a corner & when it comes to changing your direction mid corner, it may feel weird but it works.
Hopefully you dont have to overdo it such as in this case of flat track racing, (I know its not the same but the principal is there ;) )

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:03 am
by Cath
You do it. Everyone does it. You're probably fighting it a little, but still doing it unconsciously. The trick is to do it deliberately and consciously, then move it back to being semi-unconscious like pulling the clutch lever in to shift gears, or another riding action that you don't dwell on. But first, you have to do deliberately and understand it.

Don't practice it at 20 k's. You'll just confuse yourself and amuse others as you waver/fight between steering and counter steering. Practice it at 60 k's.
Pick a nice, clear, long, straight stretch of road and settle at a constant speed. Then push slightly and gently on one of your bars (this is just to confirm to yourself what is happening, not to actually turn a corner, so only do it VERY VERY slightly OK! You don't want to spear off the road!) and see what happens. Once you've done that a few times (*AGAIN: GENTLY AND SMALL MOVEMENTS!!!*) and you believe us and your mind starts to trust / accept it, then you can try going into a nice corner you're familiar with (think of a sweeping curve, not a 90 degree intersection in traffic), and consciously push forwards on the inside bar (so if the corner goes left, you push forward on the left bar). Steering will become much more fun, reliable, less nerve-wracking and faster. And you'll be more in control of your bike, especially if the unexpected should occur. Keep playing with it, until it's natural to turn consciously that way, then you can let it drift into the back of your awareness and it will become automatic (you'll notice that when you suddenly come upon a pothole and your muscles and brain instantly swerve you around it before you even thought about what to do).

If you come up the old road this Sunday, I'm happy to take you for a relaxed lap, where you can practice it a bit. I'm sure you're fine to practice it on your own, but if you'd like company or someone to ask questions of, any of the regular crew would be more than happy to help out if you ask.

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:04 am
by kevindinho
ahhh thanks cath!! your so nice and helpful, ill love to come for a ride but ive been working every Sunday. Man I wished i could be more helpful and contribute more to this forum :oops: if you guys need some help with your finance homework i'm pretty good at calculating Bond prices and annuities??

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:18 am
by Napper85
Even when swerving to warm up/clean your tyres you usually do it. Push Left go Left, Push Right, Go Right. I first did it by accident, now i dont even realise im doing it, it's just the norm.

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:19 pm
by hoffy
I dont do it, I refuse to ! I just lean the khaahhhn't :lol: :kuda:

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:54 pm
by kevindinho
hoffy wrote:I dont do it, I refuse to ! I just lean the khaahhhn't :lol: :kuda:

:kuda: tehehe i love leaning, my chicken strips is about 5mm thick atm, 5mm too thick!

Re: Countersteering

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:01 am
by Blurr
kevindinho wrote:
hoffy wrote:I dont do it, I refuse to ! I just lean the khaahhhn't :lol: :kuda:

:kuda: tehehe i love leaning, my chicken strips is about 5mm thick atm, 5mm too thick!

you could always use the KSRC chickstrip removal facilty :D