ZZR 250, 600, 1100 & 1200
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ZZR-1100 Advice

Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:47 pm

New member, first post.

Just acquired a 93 zzr, d model I believe, and hoping to get some advice along the way.

Firstly, here's a poor quality picture:
IMG_0629.JPG (152.42 KiB) Viewed 17716 times

Bit shabby at the moment, has all the fairings but can hardly call them 'fair', plan is to fix them up and repaint in Kawasaki green/black, I may be swayed though. Any advise on repairing cracks, chunks would be greatly appreciated.

Missing the handle bars but I've seen a wreckers ad that has a bike in stock, although the ad is old I'll enquire tomorrow to see what's left of it in case I need. Fairings all look good but I imagine costly. My wind shield has a chunk missing but is out of sight when attached, would like a darker one but yet to ride the bike so no idea if I'll ever look through it or what the legalities are on that.

Haven't had a proper sus of the bike yet, bloke I purchased off said he got it to start, then next time he tried it wouldn't start, suspects fuel pump, said it kept priming or something along those lines. Noticed the tank is bone dry, so assume that's been off and drained while he tried to sus it out. If any suggestions come to mind feel free to share.

Now, the whole point of this post was for some advice, plan is to change oil, lift the tank to check everything looks connected, put some fuel in, turn the key and go from there. Any advice on things I should check or do before I attempt to turn it over? Small engines are one of the few things I've not dealt with and carby's are a mythical beast as far as I'm concerned.

Sorry about all the dribble and thanks in advance.

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:46 am

Can anyone confirm if 'c' model handle bars will fit 'd' model? Or if any other model bikes are interchangeable for that matter.

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:26 am

Check the tank for rust holes. They don't like to be empty. We bought a 600 with a dry tank many years ago and the fuel ran out the bottom of the tank on the way home. Probably put a set of plugs in it too. Depending how long it is since it *actually* started there might be gunk in the float bowls, but I'd see if it starts before I went pulling too much apart.
I read that the handlebars are interchangeable, but haven't tried it myself.
Unless you are four foot nothing a dark windscreen won't be an issue. We got a couple of cheap China ones from evilbay.
Plastex for sticking fairings back together.

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:26 pm

I had a breif look in the tank last night and looked ok at a glance. But will remove and have a proper look tonight and rinse with some clean petrol, then i guess ill connect it all back up, throw some fresh oil and filters at it, hit thr go go button and go from there.

Was last registered in 2010 so good chance its been sitting some time. Will hopefully have some updates tonight if not tomorrow. Thanks for the reply

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:27 pm

These are generally tough (but of course some idiots are tougher) so you could be lucky and only need basic maintenance and good cleanup.
If/once it runs it should be easier to start pinning down where you are.

As for green, I'm all for kawa green, but these are one of the few bikes that I think sucks in green...

I think the styling always looks better in a rich dark colour:

Although I saw this ZX14R and could be persuaded (without all the nasty drag bike sh!t) but will be hard work to get the colors/design right.

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:22 pm

Yeah I agree that all green they look silly, I did see a picture of one on the googlewebs that was green/black that looked really tidy but I suspect it that have been a different model. I'll see if I can find it again. I have noticed they look nice in darker colours so I'll see how it looks once I give it a clean and throw it back together.

Unfortunately finished work late tonight so didn't make it to the local dealer, working again tomorrow so need to check if they are open Sunday's, another question is am I able to source serviceable parts from auto shops such as ripco/supershit/bursons or am I best of heading to a Kawasaki dealer?

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:27 pm

These are the ones I mentioned in previous post:

Hopefully that works, still adjusting to the forum layout.

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:50 pm

I've been buying parts online and overseas for a few years now. Recently I've merely been pricing online and then going to our local dealer - where I have been pleasantly surprised. Delivery times have a great deal of room for improvement, but the pricing is great.
We just replaced the headstem bearings on our 1100. The bearing place we normally buy from wanted an absolute fortune for one and claimed the other was unavailable. It has a recess in it for a seal and a plain bearing will still fit. The dealer supplied both for the price the bearing place wanted just for the one they did have.

Of all the colours they came in I think the Burgundy looks the best. The shape doesn't lend itself to green.
Although the silver is worth consideration.


Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:20 am

Alf Stewart wrote:New member, first post.

Now, the whole point of this post was for some advice, plan is to change oil, lift the tank to check everything looks connected, put some fuel in, turn the key and go from there. Any advice on things I should check or do before I attempt to turn it over? Small engines are one of the few things I've not dealt with and carby's are a mythical beast as far as I'm concerned.

Welcome to the madness!

Having bought two 25+yrs old bikes these were my quick wins (by order of ease - not so good with spanners!)

- New fuel (old one would contain water/stale). Your dry tank is actually good as long as it's not rusted
- Replace engine oil and filter. Also prepare/replace washer
- All new plugs with correct gaps
- New coolant
- New radiator cap. Cheap and ensures the liquid is pressurised correctly

- Replace all brake fluids
- Replace fork oils

After that .. more fun :kuda:

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Sat Mar 11, 2017 6:34 am

Small update, sourced some bars interstate. Small hicup with the seller stating pick up only. Fortunately had a member on the car forum nearby who is going to pick up and post for me.

But that means this weeks budget has been chewed up and will have to wait till next weekend to buy filters and fluids. So this weekend will be seeing whats missing, cleaning and fit the fairings to see how much love they need.

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Sat Mar 11, 2017 6:40 am

Can anyone tell from this picture if these bars are standard or not not, but more importantly if they will fit my bike.


Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Sat Mar 11, 2017 10:41 am

Nevermind, got a better picture, they will fit and will do the job.

Decided to pull into the local dealership just to have a gander quickly, walked out with an oil filter, fuel filter and fresh oil. So much for my budget this week. Have decided i can't go in there alone, adult supervision required.

Handlebars getting picked up tomorrow so i should have them by next weekend hopefully.

This weekend I'll drop the oil and change the filter, not going to change the fuel filter till after i run some fuel through the system so that the old one can catch any crap thats in the lines and what not first before changing.

Didn't have the funds to get new plugs so hopefully the ones in there will suffice until i can change those. With any luck I'll have the bike either running or diagnosed this weekend.

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:05 pm

Small update, battery is a dud, pretty sure it's dropped a cell. Along with that the starter relay is buggered.

Fuel relay is also no good, my first clue to that was the dodgy looking wire attached to the fuel pump wiring and then wedged in with the tail light fuse.....

Air filter is absolutely atrocious, pretty much poked my finger through it so I'll be pulling the air box off and cleaning it. Good chance some of that shit made its way to the carbs.

And I think my headlight is blown, or the wiring is buggered. I'll check that later.

So more fun to come, won't be getting the bike started this weekend but at least I think I have identified all the problems it has, only other thing that may be an issue it the carby's being full of crap so when I have the air box off I'll have a little gander at those.

On another note the fuel pump works, but need to reattach plug to the fuel sender so the gauge functions. And the tank looks to be all Micky mouse as far as I can tell. And the bars got picked up today, seller left the grips and levers attached which is handy, they should be in the post tomorrow.

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:09 pm

If you're taking the airbox off it is very little work to pull the carbies and clean them.

Re: ZZR-1100 Advice

Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:41 pm

Had that off, took the top of 1 carby's off by removing the 4 little screws, spring, rubber boot thing, needle and what not. It looked clean as a whistle in there, I suspect the previous owner has already cleaned them. As you can probably tell carby's are very foreign to me.

By passed the fuel pump relay, and have it turning over. I suspect the fuel pump isn't up to the task or I haven't got enough fuel in the tank. There was some fuel in the tank, emptied and was clean. Currently has about 2-3L in the tank, got fuel switch on reserve.

Ran some fuel through the pump with lines disconnected, splutters a bit so may be low or just shagged pump.

Plugs look new, got it to fire with an aerosol. Might do a run to the servo to grab more fuel, rule out that being to low.

Any thoughts? You've all been very helpful so far, muchly appreciated.
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