Riding gear and Clothing Discussion
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Any suggestions on footwear?

Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:32 pm

Hi Guys,

Got my L's and new Ninja250r last week :) , as well as a helmet, jacket and gloves. Didn't worry about pants and boots off the bat but now that I've done a few hundred k's, still cautious but gaining confidence with evey corner, I'm thinkin some more protection might be a good thing.

I think I've made my mind up on gettin some Draggin or similar. (If you disagree please comment)

Not sure with footwear, My rides so far have been around to friends places and up a couple roads like Mount Keira Rd and I have just been wearing my comfort shoes - Globe skate shoes (have laces), I intend on riding some more of the nice roads down south here with mates and Phil and the guys from here when they go to the natio etc. I will also more than probably ride to work :roll: twice a week (days that it's inconvient for me to car pool due to other after work commitments) which is mainly on the F6, about 70K's, in Steel cap work boots (with laces).

I guess ultimately what I'm asking is;
1. Are my work boots fine/safe?
2. Are my Globes okay for going round to my mates? short rides up the mountain roads?(keeping in mind ATM I am taking it easy due to learning)
3. I've just been on holidays and so have little money right now, do I really have to buy a pair of riding boots right now?

Thanks Guys

Re: Suggestions for footwear

Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:44 pm

3. Yes.

Re: Suggestions for footwear

Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:45 pm

just depends on how much you value your skin,you can trip over whilst walking and tear your jeans and skin yourself,so imagine falling of your bike ;)

Re: Suggestions for footwear

Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:46 pm

Strika wrote:3. Yes.

I guess I was kinda expecting that answer

and urs HB

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:50 pm

get on ebay you can buy some cheap gear there until you can afford what you really want :)

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:51 pm

get on ebay you can buy some cheap gear there until you can afford what you really want :)

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:04 pm


Think ill credit it up rather than spending money twice and just pay it off next pay (or the one after).

appreciate it, even though it is really common sense, I don't like to think of work while I'm not there but I guess in this case one of their moto's is very suiting "Safety first"

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:08 pm

Trox wrote:Thanks,

Think ill credit it up rather than spending money twice and just pay it off next pay (or the one after).

appreciate it, even though it is really common sense, I don't like to think of work while I'm not there but I guess in this case one of their moto's is very suiting "Safety first"

sure is and besides you only live once so you may as well do it right the first time 8)

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Sun May 01, 2011 1:16 am

Bit of bark off never hurt anyone (since penicillin)
HTFU you old farts ;)

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Sun May 01, 2011 6:37 am

Draggins are a good idea + go to your local bike shops try on some boots(SIDI's/Alpinestars etc) to get your correct size then buy online overseas(save $$ + the $AUD is very good).

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Sun May 01, 2011 9:18 am

Image on your licence!
Somethings better than nothing.. while i rode for 12months with steel caps on the way to work i was strongly advised against it (toe slicing)..
Doesnt matter where your riding if you come off the outcome is still going to be the same..
You could try bikers gear in Cowes, i have these and dragon.. both fit well and have generous kevlar.. http://bikersgearaustralia.com/
Enjoy your ride :kuda:

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Sun May 01, 2011 11:48 am

seiko1 wrote:Bit of bark off never hurt anyone (since penicillin)
HTFU you old farts ;)

Says the old fart that can't do shit cos his back's a little sore :)

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Sun May 01, 2011 12:01 pm

its all about risk and how big a risk you think you're taking, and what you're prepared to risk... you could easily kit yourself out with draggins, knee guards and a set of boots for about $400... :)

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Sun May 01, 2011 1:13 pm

8) , thanks guys

RDO this Friday and payday so ill go try on some gear and might do as Greenmeanie suggests and buy os

Thanks on the Congrats too Possum :D

See you all out there soon

Re: Any suggestions on footwear?

Mon May 02, 2011 12:36 pm


Kidding... :lol:
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