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Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:14 am

Smitty wrote:
Six Addict wrote:interesting... would pave the way for rossi to ducati... only question is why? :? ...........

as BIKE sez..because Rossi sees Lorenzo as a threat :shock:

So if thats the case why would he give up the best bike and then try to beat him :? Doesnt really add up.

I'm with Aardy on the Stoner-Honda thing, there is no value to be gained filming a commercail now, the reason have already been highlighted earlier.

I reckon Rossi will push Jorge out of Yamaha - to either H*nda or Ducati ;)

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:20 pm

I'm looking forward to Kwaka rejoining in 2012 with Vermeulan and winning the title !

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:57 pm

why would stoner leave a wining bike and jump on a honda that cant win a race, seems like a step backwards to me.

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:50 pm

browserzx10 wrote:why would stoner leave a wining bike and jump on a honda that cant win a race, seems like a step backwards to me.

No Honda rider can beat yamaha/Rossi combo. Stoner wins/ can match the yammy's on a bike no one else can be competitive on....Honda wants a rider that can step up to Yamaha. Makes sense actually, for Honda anyway. Casey being able or not able to deliver is another matter. IMO.

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:36 am

id be damed if id go back to honda, id stay on a proven bike that wins races, weather anyone else can ride it or not doesnt mean its not a competetive bike. It just means stoner really is an amazing rider.

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:43 am

A bit of he said she said, but my source says that Casey will not be riding for Honda in 2011. Wouldn't elaborate to say whether he'll be with Ducati. They did however, hint that Rossi isn't COMPLETELY against riding with Stoner at Ducati. 'Corse, that doesn't mean he wants to either.

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:27 pm

more gossip....

Honda have poached all the Yammy electronic boffins, team Manager for Ducati Livio Suppo
and Honda are currently flashing the chequebook at Stoner to sign for 2011 (as reported in BIKE)
that ties with up with what my source has said would happen.. :twisted:

interesting times ahead...

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:46 am


Why would they need to be flashing the chequebook around? If he's already made the ads for Honda, then wouldn't that be a done deal?

I suspect it's just the typical media with nothing else to write.

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:05 am

the deal is (has) already been done ...for MotoGp and the brand publicity
done last year actually as told to me by someone in a position to know

and I never said that...if you get my drift :twisted:

I suspect the media are just getting a smell of it...or are suspecting whats going on
or actually know but are under an embargo

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:39 pm

interesting to note then that stoner has chosen to go to honda who have made it known they will stay with 800cc for 2011 when the rules change to also allow 1000cc...

ducati are going for the 1000cc and yamaha have also stated they'll stay with the 800cc bikes... food for thought

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:28 am

I hope he stays where he is. Honda is so clinical in the way the run things it a wonder the bosses actually have a personality.

Why would he leave?

Geez I hope your wrong.

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:47 am

must be after the money, that honda looks like a real dog of a bike. No way he is going to leave ducati.

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:48 am

[quote="browserzx10"]must be after the money, that honda looks like a real dog of a bike. No way he is going to leave ducati.[/quote]

I'm with you! I dont care how reliable the source. Look ay Bayliss, he stayed there at Ducati because its like a family. I bet he a had a few offers.

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:39 pm

Troy Pearson wrote:Look ay Bayliss, he stayed there at Ducati because its like a family. I bet he a had a few offers.

and spent 2005 on a Honda ;)

Re: MotoGP news/gossip

Thu May 27, 2010 7:45 pm

From http://www.crash.net

Casey Stoner 'has already decided' to leave Ducati Corse for Repsol Honda in MotoGP 2011, a well-informed insider from the Australian's current team has conceded – as his suitor admitted that it is also 'interested' in regaining the services of Valentino Rossi.

It was reported earlier this month that Stoner and Honda have all-but agreed terms for the 2007 MotoGP World Champion to switch camps for next season [see separate story – click here], and whilst Ducati itself has maintained its silence on the matter, a source within the Italian outfit has revealed to GPWeek that there is now no going back.

“As far as Casey going to Honda next year, I think it's a done deal,” the 'highly-placed' team member stated. “I don't have any hard information and I don't want to go on the record, but it's just a gut feeling. I think he has already decided to go.”

Chief amongst Stoner's motivations to join Honda is the presence there of former Ducati team manager Livio Suppo, who oversaw the 24-year-old's march to the crown three years ago in only his maiden campaign with the team and second in the premier class and has in 2010 moved to Honda in a marketing and managerial capacity.

Another carrot is the opportunity to return the Japanese manufacturer to title glory for the first time since 2006, as well as the personal prospect of joining the elite group of just Rossi, Eddie Lawson and Geoff Duke to successfully claim the premier class championship with two different marques.

Aside from an opportunistic victory for veteran Loris Capirossi in the wet/dry 2007 Japanese Grand Prix – the same event at which Stoner lifted the laurels – no other rider has triumphed for Ducati since the Queensland native joined the squad, during which time he has equalled the tally of 20 successes notched up over the same period by record-breaking multiple world champion Rossi, despite being sidelined by illness for some of last year, an episode that is believed to have created a degree of tension with title sponsor Marlboro.

There have also reportedly been rather too many accidents for his employer's liking – including two in the first three races of 2010 alone – and Honda has made little secret of its desire to secure the signature of the 27-time race-winner.

Such an eventuality would mean one of the two present incumbents – Dani Pedrosa or the increasingly impressive Andrea Dovizioso – having to make way, with either Jorge Lorenzo or FIAT Yamaha team-mate Rossi looking to be in-line to replace Stoner at Ducati, despite Lin Jarvis' protestations that the objective is to retain both riders [see separate story – click here]. 'The Doctor' has similarly been mentioned in connection with Honda, although given the manner in which he left back at the end of 2003, a rapprochement does not appear likely.

“We haven't drawn a programme for next year yet,” HRC vice-president Shuei Nakamoto told Italian sports newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport. “Maybe we'll do it in July, but the four best riders have their contracts expiring so it's normal we are interested in all of them, Valentino too.

“Because Honda is not content with podiums, we want to win, we've asked Colin Stoner (Casey Stoner's father and manager) if they would like to come with us. However, we absolutely didn't get into the details – like number of years or retainer – at all.”
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