Non Bike related Discussion - no politics or religion pls.
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Re: I am a little confused!

Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:57 pm

SNAFU wrote:Very true Stu, but if this had been about an Aussie or Kiwi not a protest would have been heard. Thank you all for playing this little experiment and helping me win a bet!

TTFN, Dutchy :D :kuda: :P

Who said a Muslim can't be an Aussie or a Kiwi

Re: I am a little confused!

Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:56 am

ZX750 tell you what I will do, I'll change it to Christian Aussie or Kiwi's, and there would have been not a word, now happy! Thanks for helping me win this little bet.

Re: I am a little confused!

Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:50 am

SNAFU wrote:ZX750 tell you what I will do, I'll change it to Christian Aussie or Kiwi's, and there would have been not a word, now happy! Thanks for helping me win this little bet.

Now I'm confused. Christians do celebrate Christmas, They are allowed to eat pork products etc, etc .
Changing it to Christian Aussies and Kiwis doesn't work either.

Re: I am a little confused!

Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:52 am

Hilarious :lol: Half our fire calls are within the Lakemba area. Some absolutely beautiful people and other ratbags. The ratbags keep me employed so I never complain :kuda:

Remarkably similar to other areas of Sydney Ive worked in with various different forms of background 'Same shit different smell' is the term we use :)

Re: I am a little confused!

Thu Sep 26, 2013 5:48 pm

Snafu, a question.

It sounds like from your most recent posts that you only posted this as part of a bet.

Is this correct or incorrect?
If correct, was the bet with another ksrc member, or with someone else?

Re: I am a little confused!

Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:26 pm

It was a bet with with someone else from another forum, but I believe he pops in here from time to time!

Re: I am a little confused!

Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:00 pm ... 4F4C6FC35C
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