Is this site officially dead.....

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Is this site officially dead.....

Postby Glen » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:09 pm

It pains me to say it but I think it is.

We've lost all sense of being a group. No one rides any more, we've just gone through a whole supers weekend and not one post on here. It's very sad as this used to be a great community but I think it's time to call it. Facebook has won and killed another form of social interaction. Well done facebookers...........the iPhone has effectively replaced talking to humans.

Please prove me wrong but I don't think you can............
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby rooster » Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:31 am

I was thinking the same just us dinosaurs :(
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby billwest » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:52 am

I look here regularly.
I refuse to do facebook.
But you're right, too much time between posts here.

However, we are not alone. I run and it suffers from a lack of use. I have put a lot of time and effort into that one. Facebook is the main method of communicating these days. on the other hand roars along.

My 2c.
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby BrettZZR » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:47 am

Re: Is this site officially dead.....

No, it just smells funny!

Yeah, I detest bookface with passion! It's killed off a few excellent forums I've been involved with, without replacing them with anything!!?

Not happy Jan!
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby MadKaw » Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:19 pm

Yep, I'm guilty.... I posted to Facebook, only cause its easier...
I usually post my piccies up here when I get back...
Will do that later today...
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby tim » Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:53 pm

Can only speak of Sydney, the sunday morning sydney ride up the old road and putty loops was an institution, 10-30 most sundays year-round. 30 of us on a blat to gingers or down to the island :cry:

Then over a few years so many of the core Sydney Members stopped riding due to having young families, starting businesses, going on a health binge and starting to ride pushbikes, injuries, selling bikes etc, and some of the ones who were still riding moved towards track riding, working at the track, dirt bikes, & other marquees. As members dropped off there wasn't a regular riding core there to bring new members into the fold nor a captive vibrant forum to hold them and it dwindled.

I think having a facebook group PLUS a forum doesn't work because the community is split and it isn't sustainable, people will just post to the facebook group a bit, then get distracted away into the rest of facebook and the internet, and get out of the habit of checking the forum, installing and opening tapatalk etc.
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby Davethegreat » Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:27 pm

Young Glen, I'm with you mate, FB killed the forum unquestionably. :cry:
It's no ones fault it's the way life is today. Certainly Dave and Justine are the best hosts of any forum in the country, I should know as belonged to a few over the last 12 years. And that goes for the members as well, KSRC has the best bunch anywhere. I assume I'm not the only one here, who has a love-hate relationship with FB. I do understand it's popularity, but disspize it's effect on our lifes at the same time. It's great that people go overseas and connect with love ones across the globe and bad in a sence that no-one get a call any more to be asked, just how the fuck are ya??
And then there are those who have to put anything and everything up there, like a plate of food.... If you're alive today, chances are you have had a meal yesterday, that's all we need to know about that.
(this last bit belongs in the rant section :twisted: )

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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby Glen » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:23 pm

So........what can we do to get it back?

This place offers so much more than Facebook can ever hope to.

I stumbled on here when I bought my Crim and was looking for info. It was a great place to get info and within a few weeks I went on a ride with Madkaw, Damo, Rooster, Frank and Mike S up to Bathurst. After that we went through the infamous Putty incident, numerous CDT trips to PI with road captain Phil and the CDT crew, various meltdowns and Hiatus's, awesome track days with Joe, Cath, Dave, Nelso,Leanne, robracer,Madkaw, Russ, Wattie and everyone I've missed, race days with Madkaw, Wattie, Russ in formula extreme, Barry Sheene FOS days with Mick C, Billy, Gos and others racing all sorts of stuff. Aus superbike days up at Turn 2 at EC, Phillip Island Superbike trips and Phillip Island ride day trips. Weve had all sorts of meltdowns and Blues (Kishy and Hoff rank high here) but despite it all the people I've met on this site are some of the most decent people I've known and KSRC has provided my most memorable motorcycling moments.

Ksrc got my son into track bikes and cost me a fortune but gave me some of the most rewarding times as a parent and father(who lamented as his son took about six months to smoke him around eastern creek and Phillip Island).

Dave and Jus put so much into this community (which is so much more than any group on Facebook can) and I can't express my appreciation and admiration for them and their family for everything they did too keep this ugly band of miscreants together over the years. Personally I feel gutted that collectively we have all played a part in its decline. For whatever reason we've all moved in different directions and have lost the sense of community that we once had.

I know life changes and people have kids, and their kids grow up and then our kids have kids and we become grandparents and priorities change but I think we need to fight to keep the KSRC community alive. The people I've met through this site are the most solid people I've met in my life and I think we need to do what we can to keep it together..

So let's rev it up ang get this joint going again, rides, WGM's, few beers on a Saturday night or whatever we can do to get the club back.........what's everyone think?
It's really all about standing around drinking Dave's beer.
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby rooster » Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:45 am

I remember that trip to Bathurst I don't think anyone knew anyone from a bar of soap but at the end of the day it was like we knew each for ever, the island road trips did a couple enjoyed immensely Im with you lets stir things up a bit
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby MadKaw » Wed Mar 01, 2017 8:26 am

Wow... brought a tear to my eye... :-)
Well said.

I think the ease of posting and using FB on mobiles and the like has given it that convenience factor we don't have here.

Perhaps we can look into updating the site and the app for easier mobile device use..

Dave 3..?? Any thoughts.? probly doesn't check here much either.

Glen wrote:So........what can we do to get it back?

This place offers so much more than Facebook can ever hope to.

I stumbled on here when I bought my Crim and was looking for info. It was a great place to get info and within a few weeks I went on a ride with Madkaw, Damo, Rooster, Frank and Mike S up to Bathurst. After that we went through the infamous Putty incident, numerous CDT trips to PI with road captain Phil and the CDT crew, various meltdowns and Hiatus's, awesome track days with Joe, Cath, Dave, Nelso,Leanne, robracer,Madkaw, Russ, Wattie and everyone I've missed, race days with Madkaw, Wattie, Russ in formula extreme, Barry Sheene FOS days with Mick C, Billy, Gos and others racing all sorts of stuff. Aus superbike days up at Turn 2 at EC, Phillip Island Superbike trips and Phillip Island ride day trips. Weve had all sorts of meltdowns and Blues (Kishy and Hoff rank high here) but despite it all the people I've met on this site are some of the most decent people I've known and KSRC has provided my most memorable motorcycling moments.

Ksrc got my son into track bikes and cost me a fortune but gave me some of the most rewarding times as a parent and father(who lamented as his son took about six months to smoke him around eastern creek and Phillip Island).

Dave and Jus put so much into this community (which is so much more than any group on Facebook can) and I can't express my appreciation and admiration for them and their family for everything they did too keep this ugly band of miscreants together over the years. Personally I feel gutted that collectively we have all played a part in its decline. For whatever reason we've all moved in different directions and have lost the sense of community that we once had.

I know life changes and people have kids, and their kids grow up and then our kids have kids and we become grandparents and priorities change but I think we need to fight to keep the KSRC community alive. The people I've met through this site are the most solid people I've met in my life and I think we need to do what we can to keep it together..

So let's rev it up ang get this joint going again, rides, WGM's, few beers on a Saturday night or whatever we can do to get the club back.........what's everyone think?
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby Daisy » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:31 am

The biggest problem with the ones who went to arsebook is that they get caught up in the addiction and forget about their friends who tried it once and thought it was shit. It isn't just forums either - I have friends who used to text and email, but now they stick it on Stalkerberg's data mine and assume that everyone is in the loop.
Or some twat will start a riding group on arsebook and my friends ask if I'm going on this ride to such and such. No, I'm not. Because I refuse to be assimilated.
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby billwest » Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:48 am

Being out here in the West makes it a bit harder to meet some of you guys, although I used to have a chat at MotoGP meets whenever I found the KSRC flag at turn 1. Didn't see it last year....

Anyway, if you feel like a ride, beers at my place one Sunday afternoon!
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby SteveW » Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:47 pm

Yep, Facebook has killed a lot of good forums which is a shame..

I was also thinking the same as the OP about there being no mention of Phillip Island WSBK this year!

billwest wrote:Anyway, if you feel like a ride, beers at my place one Sunday afternoon!

Ok Dad, see you there :p
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby smithy5 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 8:10 pm

I come here every second day or so and view the latest posts, which is usually just Same Same Game and a few technical questions.
FB is not the enemy, it's just evolution, it's easier and quicker to access, easier to post photo's and has more options. FB is too big to stop now, so perhaps it's better to make more use of it.
There are 349 members on the ksrc FB page, and only a handful are active, just like here. If you increase the members, you will get an increase in activity and events, rides etc....

I'm also on a Triumph Thunderbird World Forum and it's gone the same way for the Aussie members although the Yanks and the Poms still frequent the forum regularly.
The Aussie members get together 3 times a year (March, July and October) for a weekender somewhere within Australia. Usually take a few days to a week to get there, stay Fri and Sat nights and leave on the Sunday. We get around 35-45 bikes each time which adds up to about 60 -70 people and it's still growing. It's getting harder to find a couple pubs together that can fit everyone in.
We started a FB page a couple of years ago and have only just added the 700th member world wide, I'd estimate 450 are here in Aus.

The supers ride is still well attended cause its regular, every Feb, people have it in their calendar.
Perhaps a regular Gingers ride later in the year, every year. Or move the venue around the Eastern states, but make it the same time each year, so people can plan their work and holidays..

My 2 cents :D
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Re: Is this site officially dead.....

Postby z900/zx9 » Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:00 pm

There is no rides in Vic,i used to post rides every week and ended up not doing it.Javaman and myself have done a few,did the odd one with photomike but mosly I ride with people I meet on the road .I do check in here and comment from time to time but most of the time im busy riding,not sure how many H2s have over 20,000 ks on them. ;)[/img]
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