by dutchy » Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:02 pm
Advice to anyone selling. It might be a bit of a read, bit if holding onto your bike is important to you, it might just pay off.
Always get as much info on buyers as possible. If they call, tell them your busy and you'll call them back so you can get their mobile or landline. Get an email if possible. Get their licence and copy the details. Don't just look at it and go "ok, that's you" because you'll never remember it. Actually write all the drivers licence details down. The name, date of birth, address, licence number, everything. Keep hold of it until they return. Don't handle it too much, even if it's fake it might have good fingerprints on it. Maybe get a hold of their bank card until they return. It might not be theirs either, but it might have their fingerprints too.
Keep a small photo of your bike in your wallet and hand it over to show them. "Here's what out looked like when I first bought it, stock as a rock". Give it to them to have a look at, but get it back. Photo paper is excellent at retaining finger prints. Take notice if they touch any other shiny surface like your car, mail box, tin fence, whatever. Don't touch or handle it to much yourself and it might be the best identification evidence the police will get. Don't get too excited though, nothing works like on csi. Don't think police can attend a scene, find a hair and see a scrape on the road, and figure out the bad guy's car, identity, mother-in-law's name, and whether or not they're circumcised.
If they come in any other car or motorbike get the rego/s, and check the plates match the label in the window (if your state still has them), because sometimes the plates will be stolen, or don't belong to the car.
If they come on a bike or in a car, swap. Tell them they can ride yours, but you'll be riding along on theirs. Fair is fair right?
Note the description of the car. Brand, model, colour, body and any distinguishing features like random stickers, the type/design of the wheels or apparent damage.
Description of the person. Skin colour, Hair color/length, build, height, eye colour, hat?, What colour/type of top, what colour/type of pants, what colour / type of footwear, piercings, tattoos, moles, scars.
Take a few sneaky photos or video with these things on your phone, or don't be sneaky at all. If they're genuine buyers, and you explain that your just protecting yourself they should have no need to complain. If they do, that could be first sign something dodgy is going on.
Intentionally leave the bike low on fuel. If you know they had to fill up somewhere close then the local petrol station might have cctv of them, or if they pay by eftpos, bank details. If you know your bike was nearly empty, be sure to tell the police so they can look that stuff up.
Leave a King Brown under the seat, you might not get the bike back, but you'll get the bastard who went to strip it down.
If something goes horribly wrong call 000. Don't call the station thinking "if I call them direct they'll get here quicker", if you think that, your wrong, (in Victoria at least). If you call the station you'll give them all the details, you'll hang up, and the member at the station will call the operators at 000 themselves, when they're done 000 will pass the details to the local patrols. You've now already doubled the time it took for them to get the information out, and now it's gone through several channels the information may be................. misinterpreted.
Once you've got off the phone, go inside and start writing everything you can think of down, and be sure to hold on to the notes. Give a copy to police. If someone ends up getting caught, and you have to give evidence in the witness box you can be confident in the details you give them, because you made good notes at the time. Your memory might fade over time, but what you write down will last forever...ish.
It's unrealistic to think you'll be able to do all these things, but if you manage a couple it might just be what's needed.
I'm sure there's more you can do. Nothing comes to mind right now. Maybe I could have posted this in a new thread? Then others could have added.
I plan on living far so good!!
Self appointed official poon-tang image supplier to KSRC
2010 KSRC MotoGP tipping champion
1998 ZX7R
1982 GPZ 550