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RIP Little Donkey

Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:13 pm

You made me tougher, stronger and more determined than ever. Thank you for the memories, the lessons, new friends and my infamous Honda leg. They said your light couldn’t be extinguished, but we finally met our match and Robe was our last stand. You will be sadly missed...

On the weekend we tackled the dunes at Robe in SA. I wrestled and fought to hold steady, but she spat me off in the most ungraceful way. While a long run up assisted in getting up the dunes, it was constant speed we lacked. We made the 1st 1hr and then she'd had enough, seized and spat me off for the last time next to a secluded little cove. There was much time to reminisce of all the adventures and ponder the future while waiting for the rescue ute.

So… ideally ..I’d like to keep the XR as a second bike, but will depend on $$ Rebuild, Replace or to chop up… but for now the big question is what to get..

Re: RIP Little Donkey

Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:45 pm

Oh...Poss...you must be heart broken. :(

Now..... a KTM300EXC with electric leg would be a nice little mount for you. Plenty of torque, simple, reliable even though it's a Euro............. Cheap to maintain.......... Even Jonno could do the rings on it and it would still run :)

But, if it were me, I'd buy a KLX/DRZ 400............ Heaps of grunt, heaps of power, steer OK and are softer in the suspension so won't beat you up by lunchtime. About same weight as the XR........... Steers way better though....... Simple, dead reliable and feckin just cheap to maintain. Not glamorous, but definitely capable. Only time a KTM ever went past my KLX was when it had a better rider steering it.............. :)

Re: RIP Little Donkey

Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:30 pm

Another good benefit of the DRZ/KLX is the seat height. easier to put both feet on the deck with them.

As for ease of ride though, in the single trail stuff a small 2stroker like mentioned above will feel heaps better.

Re: RIP Little Donkey

Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:59 pm

I actually find the husky alot easier to reach the ground on. I found the drz quite high.
None the less, a great bike and can be taken anywhere :)
If it were me I'd be grabbing a 2t. Nice and light.
Have you looked at yammy wr's or even the ttr's?
The options are endless enjoy looking lol I couldn't make up my kind and had about 6 bikes in mind, and would have any of them in the shed and still be happy :) hehe

Re: RIP Little Donkey

Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:59 pm

But If you putt putt a 2 stroke around you will foul plugs all day.

Re: RIP Little Donkey

Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:03 pm

True, 200c 2t so u have to ring it a bit more????
4t are easier to ride though..... Join the husky brigade :) :) te250 8)

Re: RIP Little Donkey

Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:06 pm

Stay off the dunes Poss. There's no better way to destroy a bike.

Re: RIP Little Donkey

Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:32 pm

Yep got some video and just a few minutes prior to dead XR @0.13 seconds

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=45 ... tif_t=like

Re: RIP Little Donkey

Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:23 am

250, 300, 350 husky & leave em for dead poss, oh & with the 2T poss is on the gas the whole time so fouling would not be an issue, wattie my 250 has been dynoed, the jetting is way out on the rich side hence the problems I was having before :D

Re: RIP Little Donkey

Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:09 pm

Can't you fit sand tyres to the Zeddy?
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