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Re: Yet another ZRX

Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:53 pm

J.B wrote:
farmer wrote:And clutch cover. . The bike looks pretty cool in the flesh. Thanks for the parts. cheers

:kuda: Thanks mate and no worries. Will catch up again sometime soon.

Six Addict wrote:those wheels look fantastic on it mate.. off a late model kawi sports bike?

Cheers. The wheels look very similar to the Kawi ones but these are Carrozzeria ones curtesy of Superbike Supply.

Mate. Looks sensational. What size are your wheels ie did you go 5.5 for the rear or 6.0

Re: Yet another ZRX

Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:15 am

Glen wrote:Mate. Looks sensational. What size are your wheels ie did you go 5.5 for the rear or 6.0

Thanks mate. The rear is a 6 inch with a 190 on it. Needed to trim the chain guard but only a little. You'd never notice unless you're particularly intimate with the part :lol:

Re: Yet another ZRX

Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:26 pm

J.B wrote:
J-rex wrote:Love what you've done with the ZRX so far J.B, looks great! :kuda:

Just curious....with the 1224 kits from APE, what do they charge to ship from the states and did you have to send them an exchange block?

Thanks mate!

Postage of the kit from APE ran about $150 if I recall correctly. I ended up sourcing a spare block in the US and got them to send it to APE for me. Saved me a little on shipping that way, and I ended up having my original as a spare ;)

Cheers J.B... That's not too bad, good idea with sourcing the block over there too..
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